Getting in the Flow
What is flow?
To me the “flow” is the mental state of being completely present and fully immersed in a task. This is a highly conducive and a strong contributor to my creativity. That being said, sometimes it is difficult for me to get in the flow when it comes to writing. I have never really enjoyed writing, until recently, and I get more way more mental blocks when it comes to creative writing than when I am creating artwork.
Do you experience creative blocks? Is there something you do to beat those blocks?
I have a unique way of creating or jumpstarting flow and I didn’t even realize it.
It is something silly one of my friends pointed out…he noticed that while writing, I’m always on the floor. It was not surprising, I have always known this about myself of course but I never really thought about why I do this. Ever since I was young, I remember always sitting or lying on the floor while drawing or coloring. My parents would always encourage me to sit at a table, but I never enjoyed creating while I was sitting up straight. I would lose my drive and get distracted from the task and move on to something else. I would always feel the most creative while being on the ground, whether in the house on the carpet or outside feeling the grass touch my skin. I loved being outside when I was young and I still enjoy the energy nature gives me (in case you have forgotten). This is why I think my best creative thinking is on the ground, being closer to the energy of the earth. Sitting on the floor is a more comfortable position (for me) rather than up straight and perfect. I feel more relaxed and comfortable while my legs are crossed or laying on my stomach.
There are many things that contribute to getting in the flow. For me, I like to play light music quietly as background noise, put my phone on silent and out of sight, and of course, relax on the ground. This brings me into a state where I relax and the creative flow can begin. Tapping into your creative flow is associated with your inner thoughts, so, if you are feeling stressed or distracted by something; it makes sense that you will be blocked from focusing. Practicing mindfulness is a great way to get out of your head and increase your ability to focus on the task at hand.
Three things that can help improve flow:
1. Find a place you feel comfortable
2. Free yourself of distractions
3. Be mindful
Tapping into this new world of writing has been a challenge, and I have been struggling with staying in the flow. Unconsciously, I would find myself on the floor writing on my large drawing pad, using colorful pens, and brainstorming many different ideas for writing and creating artwork. I would encourage everyone to try this at least once. It’s a great way to get your own flow started and can encourage you to move on to that next thing that you have been waiting or wanting to accomplish next. Keep the flow moving!
I hope this was insightful and helps you think of ways to increase your creative flow.
What are some ways you tap into your creative flow?
Have a wonderful day!
Kortney Beth
Life is Art, Start Creating!