The Golden Star – Grasshopper

Decoding the signs from the Universe.

Recently, I have become more in tune with myself and my journey. Being more aware of symbolism and certain moments that happen in my life, I have been able to change my state of mind and live a more fulfilling life. I don’t believe in coincidences. There is a purpose for everything that happens in your life, you just need to learn how to decode in your own way. For me, the universe talks to me through my imagination; my art creations. Even a tiny grasshopper has meaning.

“The Golden Star” is the beginning of a new subject matter. (Creating art with tiny creatures of this world.) I enjoy researching all of the creatures on this planet; large and small. They all deserve a place on this planet, and I love bringing them back to life, with a new purpose.

When a grasshopper enters your life, it encourages you to take a leap of faith, and that you already have the wisdom you need to get past any obstacle. They bring courage, luck, creativity, and abundance.

My intuition felt like pyrite needed to accompany the grasshopper on his cube (which resembles pyrite). Pyrite is a stone of action, vitality, and will. It can enhance your will power and create more inspiration, while deflecting negative energies.

While I am still adjusting to life in North Dakota, and it is a bit challenging for me. I still have glimpses of sadness, hurt, and pain, but the Universe is sending me signs to let me know I have the courage, wisdom, and vitality to keep pushing forward.

Pay attention to the signs in your life. They all have a meaning! Live your best life!


The Protector - Goat