A Date to Create!
Today is the day to set yourself up for success. Tell yourself that you are going to set some time aside and do something. This is YOUR day to start creating! I urge you to prepare your plan of action today so you have some inspiration stored up to execute tomorrow.
Brainstorming is a great exercise to get your mind flowing with ideas. There are so many ways to brainstorm, personally, I love to do mind maps. I pull out a large poster-sized paper, colored markers, and I write big! I find the process to be way more fun and it creates more engagement and creative thinking. If you don’t have any large paper handy, find another creative way to brainstorm. Create a mind map using Post-it notes! Just think of how big your map could be if you used one of your walls…that would be fun. I think I will have to try that, it sounds like another way to make the exercise more fun. Write down what you have scheduled tomorrow and make sure to block out some time for you to create. Schedule yourself in your planner (that “me time” we all talk about). Even if it’s just 30 minutes, it will spark some great things.